Customization has become one of the most important aspects of any modern business, offering a unique shopping experience to customers that translates into increased sales rates.

If you are a business owner, you probably know that customization is all about providing a plethora of options for customers to make your product saleable. This is when an important tool like a product configurator comes into the picture, as it seamlessly offers custom configurations for any business.

But how to make product configurator? What is the process involved in making a configurator? And can you build a product configurator for your business? If you’re thinking about these questions, then here is all you need to know about the process of making one:

How to build a 3D Product Configurator?

A 3D product configurator is an innovative tool that enables customers to customize and visualize the product they want to buy in various settings within a virtual environment. It helps customers make an informed purchase decision as they can personalize several aspects of the product, such as size, color, texture, material, etc., as per their preferences.

Well, when it comes to building a configurator, one must have extensive technological knowledge, as it involves several processes to create a fully functional and efficient tool. How to build a product configurator for website? Can it be done without hiring a team?

Here are some fundamental steps that you need to know about“ how to build a 3D product configurator” :

Select Your Products:

The first thing you need to do is understand your product’s level of complexity and the customization options required to showcase your product to customers. Different types of product configurations are selected based on the complexity of a product.

You need to focus on the key features of your product, its variations, the customization options, and its scalability to understand what kind of configuration you want to build that can accommodate your business requirements.

3D Engine:

One of the most important steps is to select a 3D engine, as a configurator requires an engine to run. This engine is designed to display any form of customization to customers in real time. It is a crucial part of the process as it determines how the 3D rendering of the products will be done and how it will be displayed in real time with the available customization options.

When selecting a 3D engine for your products, consider factors such as desired visual quality, product complexity, expertise, and platform compatibility to choose one that fulfills all your business needs. It is a must 3D strategy that you need to work on to build an efficient configurator.

3D Models:

3D modeling is a crucial part of any product customization process. These models serve as visual representations of your product with detailed information, allowing customers to interact with and customize the product according to their preferences. With the help of rendering and modeling, variations of your products can be optimized in real time.

Wondering how to create product configuration model? It can be done on your chosen 3D engine, where you need to render the images correctly so that they can respond accurately to the customer's selection.

Product Logic:

How to make product configurator? Can it be done without programming? No, it requires programming! Implement product logic into your models, as it will help your customers interact with a wide range of options and variations you are offering. Use programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, etc.

In this process, you need to determine implementation options, constraints, and dependencies on user interaction methods and update the models according to real-time user selections. It is quite useful for offering customization and visualization by adding interactive elements and 3D animation.

Intuitive User Interface:

One of the most important processes of how to build a product configuration for website is to ensure that you have an intuitive user interface so that the shopping experience can be seamless for your customers. For that, you need to use CSS, HTML, and Javascript to design the interface, as well as elements like sliders, buttons, drop-downs, etc., to increase interactivity.

It helps update the 3D model promptly based on the customer's selection and incorporates animations that provide visual feedback. You can iterate and test this feedback to refine your interactivity and user interface, making your customers' shopping experience immersive and enjoyable.

Testing and Optimizing:

Last but not least, one of the most important processes of building a product configuration is to refine the existing problems and test and re-test multiple times to optimize the configurator and then promote it effectively. It helps offer a seamless experience to users that ultimately leads to high engagement and reach.

Try to use the configurator on different platforms, such as apps, browsers, and mobile devices, and evaluate the speed, stability, and memory usage of the configuration. f the user interface is compatible, you can deploy it on your website as a proven immersive marketing strategy for your business.

How to Build a Product Configurator in Excel:

Want to build your Configurator in Excel and wondering How to make product configurator without using too much technical knowledge? Unfortunately, that is not possible if your brand has many requirements for a configurator. Building a configurator using Microsoft Excel is only compatible with businesses with limited needs. Moreover, it requires a deep understanding of the software. To build a configurator, you need to:

  • Find out the basics about product defining and key variables and then move towards creating an Excel sheet with rows and columns to organize the output, inputs, and available variables.
  • Next, designate user inputs in the cells and use drop-down lists for the customizable options. Use formulas and functions to calculate the overall output for each user input.
  • Implement formulas and product logic to ensure the accuracy of the output. Then, format the sheet using borders, shading, etc., for clarity.
  • Lastly, test and deploy the configurator after verifying correct and logical results from each input.

Building a product configurator on your own may seem easy on the surface, but in reality, it is quite difficult as you need expertise in various fields to create a fully functional and efficient configurator. A configurator requires several features, such as motion, hotspots, and augmented reality, to ensure that the whole process is seamless and enables customers to get additional details of the product in an interactive visual environment and make an informed purchase decision.

Embedding such crucial features in a product configurator requires expertise and experience in several fields. If you find the whole process of “how to make product configurator” overwhelming, you can surely outsource it to a reputable and expert company that can handle all your product configurator needs so that you can focus on your business without having to worry about anything.

Experience Real Time, Custom, and Seamless Configurations with Advertflair:

Are you searching for product configuration software with functionalities that align with your business needs? If so, your search ends with Advertflair!

Our product configurator is the best choice for your business, supporting real-time customization and configuring your products to help you increase your conversions and orders by at least 30%.

With features such as translation attributes, 3D models, data import and export, and inventory management, we offer a platform designed to optimize your sales process and provide your customers with an interactive and personalized user experience.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with the most reputable product configuration specialist now and see your sales skyrocket!